Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Adding last minute Bling...

I must be ahead of schedule if I've got time for decoration...

This one for T.Sue Poet who said I needed a Union Jack... it is fairly close!

And thanks to Mick for allowing us to add a link to our sponsors... (ok, so that is me but hey... it looks more pro!):

And finally, for those asking, I've just finished the 1st repack. I've got the gear piled up in the corner of the lounge and tomorrow it goes into the van before trying the game of 'how much of this can I stuff inside the fairing and still get in to ride'. I thought it safer not to attempt to lift the Glyde in and out of the van with it fully loaded!


  1. Nice Bling!
    I Googled BHPC - Beverly Hills Polo Club! then way down at the bottom of the page - Brittish Human Powered Club. Very nice logo and nice info on HPV.

  2. Yeah - www.bhpc.org.uk
    Miss the UK and you get Beverly Hill Parish Church.... But the bike site is much better!

  3. Hey that turned out nice, I like the bold in the center of the web address. Did it go on ok? I got a little worried that I made the www and com too skinny.

  4. They all went on just fine... I was scared of tearing the skinny letters but the only problem was one of the dots that was more interested in sticking to the backing paper than the fairing... took a few goes to get it secure...

  5. Maybe I missed this, but can you post a little history about things like:
    How long have you been planning this? What's your longest unsupported biking to date? What's your motivation? Are you fortunate enough to not have a day job? What made you choose the Glyde vs. the other velos across the channel? How long have you been waiting for the Glyde?
    Just a little curious and envious at the same time.
    Best wishes on achieving your goals.
